South Japonica soft rice is a series of varieties cultivated by the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It is produced in the secondary water source protection zone of Tangma Reservoir for drinking irrigation in Bieqiao Town, Liyang City, Jiangsu Province, and the Cairong Grain Planting Family Farm in Houzhou Village. The rice in this base is produced in a single season. Compared with similar rice, the production cycle will be extended by about 30 days. The base has sufficient sunshine and high mineral content in the soil. The rice is mainly fertilized with organic fertilizer and irrigated with secondary drinking water. The cooked rice is crystal clear, tastes soft and smooth, elastic, cold but not hard. The taste and quality of the rice are excellent, and the rice is really delicious.

Rice varieties with excellent taste quality

Nanjing soft rice is selected from Nanjing series rice varieties, which enjoy the reputation of "the best rice to eat" in Jiangsu. Whether the rice tastes good or not depends on the content of amylose in the eye grain. Experts from the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences have bred Nanyan series of fine taste varieties by crossing the semi-waxy varieties with low amylose content in Japanese japonica rice and Jiangsu high-yield rice. South japonica soft rice has achieved the best texture through the latest rice machine finishing technology: its appearance is crystal clear, its taste is soft, smooth and tough, its fragrance overflows, it is cold but not hard after cooking, and its taste quality is excellent.

Growth environment with ecological advantages

The South Japonica soft rice is produced from the fertile Liangtian Tangma Reservoir around the Tangma Reservoir, a standardized high-quality and efficient cultivation base of rice in Liyang City, with a reservoir area of 4400 mu and a reservoir capacity of 15 million cubic meters. It is the second water source in Liyang City. The water quality maintains the Class I drinking standard. Thousands of migratory birds come here every year to roost and fly in groups in the morning and evening. The scene is spectacular. The clear and clean water quality, clean and pollution-free atmosphere and fertile land provide an excellent growth environment for the water and planting of South Japonica soft rice.

Planting mode with green characteristics

Liyang Cairong Grain Planting Family Farm follows the traditional green planting method, uses biological control and other organic cultivation techniques, and uses artificial weeding to ensure that the whole process of rice planting is free from chemical pollution.